Saturday, December 1, 2007

Paul Washer

More controversial stuff. Ya I know I should quite but......

I have only watched the first video but we like Word Pictures. The man speaking is from the show. They(Word Pictures) have some good stuff that even Lana (cuase you like Piper) and Meaggy(cause you like Bro. Dale) won't disagree with. ;D


Anonymous said...

I do like. But Joel Osteen's BEST LIFE NOW is more about retaining a good attidude than feeling good about yourself and getting good things through it. It is actually a good book.

PS - can you PLEEEEZE take that word verification thing OFF!!!!

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

I don't know what it is or how? And I still don't understand what the other comment was about.

Unknown said...

Don't have time to watch this right now, but Lady, I don't disagree with things you post all that often, only a few times! And Now I guess this is another time that I disagree, I'm disgreeing about how often we disagree- oh dear, this is pathetic...
LOL, for some reason that strikes me as funny...
Hope the play goes well tomorrow, Sarah B tells me that you are a wonderful actress and a great singer, and that the first showing is all packed out, that must be so exciting!!!

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

It is funny to me too. SB is so sweet. I hope that you can come see it. Why don't you ask a certain someone to take you? I know it is hard to find the time. So if you don't get to we'll tell you all about it and maybe we (you and I and some other choice persons) will have to get together and watch the dvd. Oh and it is nerver wracking. My chem eqations didn't come out as easily as usual b/c I am tired and apperently begining to get nervous. You see, scatterbrainedness is a sign. Any who. Love :) :SMOOCH:

Unknown said...

Yeah, I have lotsa peoples asking me to come ;^P okay, maybe only three....
I'm not sure I'll be able to, but I sure would like to...
This week is the last week of classes, and next week is finals, but maybe I'll be able to at some point, I'm not sure...
But if I can't, yeah, I'd like to watch the DVD at some point, definitely!
A certain someone... why, who could you possibly be referring to? ;^P
haha, tell Emma to breath and eat, okay? and give my love to Sarah B and her bros!
Lana Marie