Friday, December 14, 2007

Lizzy Bob

Tonight we took my car to the play. We being mom and I. Well as ya'll know my car is old. A 1978 Ford Futura to be exact. It doesn't start easily. She(the car) needs time to warm up. When we were getting ready to leave mom tried to start the car about half a dozen times and it would keep running. Lou~La~Belle and her guy are cracking up while they are loading the car next to me. (You see being unable to keep the engine going is, apparently, funny.)Finally the car keeps running and we pull out and she dies again. We, the four of us, those inside the car and out, were all laughing so hard. But this story isn't translating to paper, er, blog well. Anyway the car is started and as we head down the road I start jerking all the stuff away from my feet. Mom looked at me like I had gone mad. My feet were getting wet. Yes that is right ladies and gents my car leaks at the passenger side feet. It turns out it doesn't leak that badly and my stuff probably wouldn't have gotten wet but I didn't know that when I was jerking clothes out of the floor! Oh and the windshield wipers are.... they need to be changed and it has an exhaust leak. Tada isn't she a bute! Well once she gets going she does well.

All went beautifully at the play tonight. Sadness at it being our last performance. Jolene made a beautiful video of the whole thing for Joanna and Joseph. We got presents. A lot of people we knew came. I missed my last carol in an attempt to get the stage set up for the Crachets. I have some funny pictures of Joel and me as Ebenezer and Belle. I hate my bonnet when it is on my head. I think it looks tacky. Did I take it off for any of my pictures? No. So yes I look quite tacky in all of them. I laugh when I see myself on video. I think it is funny when I fake cry! Joanna asked if I cried tonight in my scene cause it sounded like it. That made me feel good cause I can't conjure up tears. Sound effects yes, tears, no. I added lines last night and again tonight and they worked great. ;D

Thanks Meaggy T for your work to my blog. I love it. :smooch:

Everyone go say something nice to Emy cause she was crying when I left her tonight.

Pray. My bell choir is practicing for the first time in two weeks tomorrow. We have two practices till Christmas Eve service!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to be nice tonight... :)
Oh, it IS funny about your car! :P
Anyways, glad you had lots of fun with the play, and I like the new look of the blog!

Lady of somethin' er 'nother... said...

Thank Meaggy! I like it too. Tis green.

Why must you be nice?

Emma said...

to me, I think she means... :P
Yes I am very sad but I will be ok as long as you email me lots and I keep in touch with everyone...