Thursday, April 24, 2008

Expelled: No intelligence allowed

We are going as a HS group to see that on Tuesday the 29th at 7:30 (meet). This is a high school event. Please read the review if you have any question regarding the movie. I have seen it and think that it will be well worth our time to view it.
Please comment me if you can come.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ok so I need to post and have wanted to but there's been a handicap put upon my ability to post. You see it is hard to access the internet with out a computer. No wait Nana has one but her ancient beast has no internet. So ha! I do have a legit excuse!

"If you have no internet how is it that you are posting?" you may ask. That my friends is simple. Babysitting. Today I am keeping some delightful little girls and am using their computer and internet access. I have one on webkins and another working on mathfacts.

What has happened in the last two week that have caused for me not to post a thing? Umm well ya know that time when the big storm blew and there was that house that was on the new and it had the tree and all the people and the block party thing? Yup well that was me. My family, especially my mom, has become a celeb family. We have been in local and state newspapers (so were 2 of Sunshine's bros). The local tv news stations have had several interview with members of our family and have come by to tape all the action. People from our state capital(the snorkfish) came all the way here to take a picture on our demolished front porch. It has been quite a story.

I am sorry ladies and gents but I have no pictures. I will see if I can post a link where you can see some.

A block party was thrown for us on Saturday. Many people were unable to make it but that is more than understandable. There was a silent auction table. Shawna Momma won a print of a mother and her toddler. It twas gorgeous! Antiques often are. After being there about two hours I left with a friend to go watch Expelled. Good movie everyone needs to go see it. Veiwer discretion advised which means don't take your 10yr old sibling. Go see the movie! Take your friends. Go! Any way after I left some more of my friends showed up. I am VERY sad about missing them but I figured stuff came up and they weren't going to be able to make it. Oh well.

Yesterday chem class went on a fieldtrip to the Sparks lab. I had a good time but now we know who the skwirmish one is. (cough,Hannah,couch T,cough) Mr. Herb showed us around one part and another man showed us the other. The man who worked there didn't know we were coming till about 30 minutes before we showed so he wasn't all that prepared. I think he felt a bit bad about it. Mr. Herb, on the other hand, was able to show us where he used to work and give us a good lesson. That man has led a full life.

We had a baby at our house yesterday. She is about 6weeks old. We were going to keep her while her mom goes back to work but her mother feels guilty adding another responsibility to our plate. She told us she would love to have her stay with us but she felt like she was using our willingness to keep our agreement. We responded with the "that's fine" and " call us if you need us" and assured her it didn't hurt our feelings and so on and so forth. It was really sweet of her to think of us. I am sad that we don't get to keep her more though.

Oh I have more to tell but this post is getting long and I am about ready to be done. You don't need to be weighed down in reading the most minutely detailed account of my life. I will mention though, that some of my relatives sent us a box filled with clothes, shoes, and some other stuff. My Caunt Beth called and asked our sizes and what we needed so I told her (she Really wanted to help) and she and some of my other relatives sent us a $51 shipping charge sized box. It was very sweet.

All right I think that I am done. Thanks ya'll for all the prayers and everything!

NOTE: Follow this link then click blog.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When you don't test you go to testing anyway !

This morning I saw and spoke to a tired Lana Marie at testing. She was dropping off her testing brothers. Pray for her-wedding plans are at a stall. I played with Heather and Emy too.

Most of the seniors were at testing b/c of a sibling or could be so they had song practice today. They are sounding pretty good. The vocals need some work but the music ROCKS! Well not literally but, it sounds great and the vocals are bad just a bit rough. Twon't take anything to smooth them out.

AND drum roll please! Hannah Elizabeth for the first time that I have known her and I have known her 7 years wore jeans AND a t-shirt. She looked beautimous as usual by the way. Her hair and make up was still done up in usual Judy fashion. Hannah dear I love you and I don't care whether you show up in formal always or holey jeans. It doesn't matter what you wear.

The t-shirt was their senior shirts with every ones name on them. Twas grey. They are nice.

Bro. Larry had a retirement party on Saturday and at it they had black lite puppets. I videoed them. It isn't the best performance but it is a taste of black light puppets. Beanie loved the puppets she sat mesmerized. Mouth open, stark still, eyes wide t'was a funny site then all of a sudden, as if roused from a trance she would smile at daddy, clap and maybe even let out of small squeal of delight.

I must be off dear bloggers. Leave me comments per faber(that is Dixie 'panish).


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Senior pics

I have more pics than this but I must be off to bed. We took some more at another location. She hasn't seen these yet. I hope she likes 'em. We had a bunch of fun. Maybe we could do this again. Have I any takers? LOL

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Heresy pervading our churches

In this postmodern world where man is glorified above all else it is increasingly important to be able to tell truth from lie, especially in the church. I wanted to share will all my doctrine sensitive friends some sites that speak on the fallacy of the emergent church. As of right now all I can do is post link. I myself am looking into its lie but am able to expose its false teaching from my own mind. I would encourage each one of you to carve out some time to look at these sites and read these articles or at least skim them. Thanks Ya'll!
The Gospel: Conventional vs. Emerging

You might be emergent if...

Search "Emerging church"

These are the only links I have time to get. A little one just awoke. Please, please, please take the time to look.