This morning I awoke around 7:30 at Heaths house. I spent de night with her. We were up till later than was good for us. I had corn checks for breakfast. Twere very good. Frosted shredded wheat are my favorite though. Last night we went to a clue party. Heath and I both decided that it was too slow. Not as much fun as it sounds. We had a good time though.
Today while doing laundry chores, my brother rolled up some socks and pitched them at my head. B/c I have cat like reflexes, I was able to use my karate moves to spin and block the sock ball and then added a kick just for kicks. Ok so not really. It hit me quite hard in the eye area. I was given a slight headache and brused eyebrow. I said some like " great now I am goin to go to the movie thing this afternoon with a black eye and I didn't even get it in a fight".
Later that same day, (I got kicked off before the post was done with) J. Alan found a screw driver and proceeded to take apart the Barbie computer we have, take out the batteries, then put it back to gether again. I let him do it b/c he wasn't doing anything naughty. He was busy and we don't care about that toy. It already doesn't work! He couldn't hurt it. Truth be told I did not realize what he was doing exactly till he came and put he batteries in the trash then asked me for more. I saw that he had the screw driver but I had no clue that he could actually get the scews undone. Anyway that is my ingenious little brother.
Yesterday my bell choir rang in service. It went .................... well it just went. They played beautifully in practice. Alas we all got nervous and things sorta fell apart. I feel bad for them b/c they did sooo well durring practice. There are a couple of kids that probably took it hard. We rang it through twice and was on the second time around that all went awry. I got nervous too so when they stopped playing (which they did altogether stop playing) I just picked a place that I knew and we started, skipping a whole line!
Today my table was given an assignment that was actually hard. We asked Mr. Herb to teach us how to set up the equasion like he said we should b/c we didn't know how to do it. But all he did was give us a new experiment. The second one was boring and easy. The first would have been more cool and the experiment itself wasn't difficult but the bookwork before hand required one to figure out what acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate produced. We knew we needed carbon dioxide but what to do with everything else left over?
Fe (iron) +S (sulfer) --> FeS (ironsulfite) The was the second experiment. The two elements were measured, mixed, then combined into FeS via heat (Benson? burner). I had to ask "the guys"* for a 'flame thrower'. Where do you think that I found these young sirs? Their experiment required for them to study the different colors of flames that different elements put off . To see the flames well they needed the dark. Upon searching for them, I heard voices coming from the men's restroom. "Are they all in there?" I thought. I new that they had to clean the dishes between each element's flaming but.... They were. Did you know that if you turn out all the lights in the bathrooms on that floor it is very dark? Anyway I needed aflame thrower. So I knocked on the door only to hear " Yes. What do you need?" from Sweet-T in his 'IamhavingablastdoingthingsthatcouldhurtmeifIamnotcareful' voice. (Is he ever careful, by the way?) He gets 'cited. The Sir Isaac stuck his head out the door and asked what I wanted. B/c apparently four boys in a bathroom can't hear one girl's request for the flame thrower otherwise known as a lighter. Boy this makes for a long story all written out. I did receive a flame thrower. "Give her this one. I like this one [theirs] better. This one [theirs] works better." Thanks a lot Sweet-T. At least I think it was him. I don't remember exactly now.
Our assignment this week is to fin out how many isomers can be made from octane. Yippee.
Later ya'll
Saturday, March 1, 2008
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Sweet-T's careful most of the time...but, he told me who was in his group. *sigh* Unfortuanately, he's a pyromaniac like me. :)
I would like a flamethrower please!
Guess what? Me and my daddy-o had to burn a brush pile, and I made a torch out of a stick that I dipped in diesel! It was AWSOME!!
Fire is cool. But how did TJB git sceered? That sounded like the coolest title in the whole world!!!
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