Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My mom is off to help a mom with labor today. My mom is a dula; not a midwife. She doesn't deliver the baby just helps the mom. We had play practice on Sunday and Saturday. I have a few scenes that I know about but don't have words for. :D I also need a lullaby. Any suggestions? While I am on the subject I would like to cordially invite you to-
"Eye Witness to a Promise Kept"
Live Easter Drama
Saturday March 22 at 6:00 pm
Easter Sunday, March 23 at 9:30 &11:00
(for children, 1st-6th gade)
Presented on the 3rd floor AWANA room.
At my church
My dad and I are both in it as well as many other wonderful people who volunteered. This year it is going to be video'd kinda like Tony's groveling in class yesterday except better. The play is funny at parts and Marc is Jesus! Ya'll should know that person-at least some of you should. If you can come see it. If not have a blessed Easter with your family at you church.


Anonymous said...

We can't. :( Since Daddy's the pastor, and the Easter Program stuff...Easter Sunday is crazy busy. So is Saturday, and Good Friday, to be exact. :P
But, I wish we could see your play!

Anonymous said...

can't go! I'm in the branch one!
Oh, and go to my blog...
I have a surprise for everyone...

Anonymous said...

I want to learn more about what a dula does, sometime...
I'm interested in home-births. Don't suppose I'll be needing any such assistance for awhile, but then I think: I could be having a baby in a year....

Anonymous said...

Same as Hannah and Jazzy; I can't go... :( Marc is Jesus? cool! :P