Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Star wars

Today at nap time J. Alan asked to listen to Star Wars. I had told him that we would listen to my MP3 player. He sang right along with the Star Wars theme. Twas so stinkin' cute! Besides Taggs, do all 3yos know SW to the point of being able to sing it? I also introduced him to bluegrass. We listened to "Honey in the Rock". It happens to be a comical song that is partially sung with the zerbert sound. He absolutely loved it!

Jelly threw up all night. :( Sadness. She was all fun and games this morning so we think she is all better now.

Yesterday in Chem we all didn't get to finish are experiment b/c this machine that we were to use broke. Hopefully next week. I almost cried in class b/c Mr. Herb did this skit about the 10 lepers that Jesus healed and the 1 coming back. I'm not sure why.

My brother pulled a tooth that was going to have to be pulled (now he only has 5 that need to be cut out) in order to get $50. Ya'll shoulda heard him scream! Good night the boy has one powerful set of lungs, though I don't believe that anyone can beat Beanie.

Now I am going to venture to show that same brother all of the Hobbbottom films. I dearly think that it should invoke great pleasure to his young being.

Night Ya'll


Anonymous said...

oh I totally understand about little sibs that need to have tons of teeth pulled!!!!!! ;P

Anonymous said...

And the Star Wars thing...Samuel did when he was about that age...but, he STILL hasn't seen them... :P So, it's quite funny...he goes around humming SW and LOTR..so cute!

Anonymous said...

Well, all mine ARE Taggs, but I would say yes. What's worse is my brothers are totally NOT allowed to watch LOTR, but they like the music and know who all the people are when they see pics!