Monday, June 30, 2008

If you open milk and the aroma of fruit loops tantalizes your nostrils that is a sure sign that you milk it bad unless, of course, you siblings decided to put fruit loops into your gallon of milk. In our house this morning that wasn't the case and when the fruit loop milk was drank an upset stomach was the result.

Over the weekend I have learn a valuable lesson about animals. God made them to live outdoors. They do not have their own way of disposing of waste nor are they able to clean up their lovely deposits of hair. The aroma given off by the filthy beasts is not pleasant to the smell receptors up the nasal cavity and is hard to eliminate. The stench can be covered but some times the mask is worse than the original offence. I must add to the end of this paragraph a word of hope to those who love their pets indoors and not out. Constant cleaning can keep a house free of pet odors and any other sign of life outside of human form and I know a wonderful lady who is able to do so in such a way that I marvel. I applaud you Mrs. Danari, yes mam, I do.

I also learn of a smell that I cannot stomach. Dirty cat litter is....... no good. That and boiling vinegar may be the only to things that evoke the desire to hurl. Oh the potency of that stench!

In other news.....

I now have a new(to me) car;a little black buick. My grandpa gave it to me and my parents drove way too far into Kansas to get it for me. Round trip for them mom guestamated to be about $300 and that would happen to be the total cost of my new car.

While our parents were off enjoying the lovely landscape of America's breadbasket, the children sat at Nana's grumbling and complaining and being all out nemesisses. Let us just say that we don't know how to behave and are learning this week.

Sometime this afternoon I will engage my mind in a wondeful game of "Remember you Algebra" but as of right now the game I am entering into is "chase J. Alan" and it isn't a fun game.


Anonymous said...

Hey I wanna see some pics of your ride!!!!

The Lovely Lime said...

Yeah meee tooo!!!