Monday, June 30, 2008

If you open milk and the aroma of fruit loops tantalizes your nostrils that is a sure sign that you milk it bad unless, of course, you siblings decided to put fruit loops into your gallon of milk. In our house this morning that wasn't the case and when the fruit loop milk was drank an upset stomach was the result.

Over the weekend I have learn a valuable lesson about animals. God made them to live outdoors. They do not have their own way of disposing of waste nor are they able to clean up their lovely deposits of hair. The aroma given off by the filthy beasts is not pleasant to the smell receptors up the nasal cavity and is hard to eliminate. The stench can be covered but some times the mask is worse than the original offence. I must add to the end of this paragraph a word of hope to those who love their pets indoors and not out. Constant cleaning can keep a house free of pet odors and any other sign of life outside of human form and I know a wonderful lady who is able to do so in such a way that I marvel. I applaud you Mrs. Danari, yes mam, I do.

I also learn of a smell that I cannot stomach. Dirty cat litter is....... no good. That and boiling vinegar may be the only to things that evoke the desire to hurl. Oh the potency of that stench!

In other news.....

I now have a new(to me) car;a little black buick. My grandpa gave it to me and my parents drove way too far into Kansas to get it for me. Round trip for them mom guestamated to be about $300 and that would happen to be the total cost of my new car.

While our parents were off enjoying the lovely landscape of America's breadbasket, the children sat at Nana's grumbling and complaining and being all out nemesisses. Let us just say that we don't know how to behave and are learning this week.

Sometime this afternoon I will engage my mind in a wondeful game of "Remember you Algebra" but as of right now the game I am entering into is "chase J. Alan" and it isn't a fun game.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is a great day in America. ? years ago on this day a wonderful addition to our society was brought into the world by a new mother. Somehow this pint sized super momma was able to bring forth, by God's grace, a beautiful baby girl.

After enduring great hardship, which brought about a Chinese belly button, this phenomenal young woman has become as a strong woman of God. Ok maybe not quite a woman but well on her way.

Many thanks to her parents for bringing her up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Because of their obedience to God and God's protection of her I have wonderful friend in Heather H.

Sorry that is the newest picture I have.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dress up memories

Britney and I were there too but I uploaded these so that Judy and Emy could see the dresses I am going to let the borrow for their 4h thing. Girls, if you don't like them you don't have to wear them. Do you understand? Nod you head yes now.
Ya'll I just found this green site. I am not all about going green but I thought this place was cool.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Why do we even have these things? I hardly write things that I could even begin to know how to title!

Yesterday, in an attempt to keep the natives from devouring each other, we drug the spinning water thing into the back yard. The spinning water thing kept them in a good mood and away from each others throats. (First we just went outside to play then we played with bubbles then brought out he big guns) That was the beginning of our water adventures. Ok so we really didn't' do much with water yesterday just ran through the sprinkler in the morning and swam at Mrs. Danari's house that evening.

Also yesterday, some guy came to our house (we didn't know he was coming) to look at the place where our roof leaks upstairs in the bathroom. Ya - no one was dressed for the day. Thankfully we had company Wednesday night so I slept in my day clothes.

Ooo! I slept all the way through the night last night! Yeah! I haven't been sleeping well or feeling good but it looks like I might be getting better. Hopefully!

Back to join the first paragraph. Swimming! Beans was so afraid of the water at first. She sat on the side with mom for a good long time but after a while mom said that she had to get in. " I want mommy! I want mommy!" "Yeah, pretty much you can't have mommy but you can wave as we pass by!" That was gist of our conversation at first. She would get sorta excited
b/c I mentioned mom ( she thought we'd let her out) and started to wave then, as we passed, on our conversation would begin again. "Don't like it! Don't like it!" "Beans, your fine. You are going to like it whether you do or not."
She did eventually like the water and sat on a floaty mat thing while I pushed her around the pool.

J. Alan, the little man in my lap right now, loved the pool. It took him a few minutes to warm up, very few. He is going to tell you all about it.

" I swimmed in the water. I goed in the water and I sinked and I got on the boat and it was sinking and I had to get out."

This boat happened to be Mr. K. He rode and played with him till they were both tired out. I was glad he was there to keep track of J. Alan. His being there meant that I didn't have run around so much. I spent a very leisurely evening in the pool floating around on noodles or other flotation devices. Quite relaxing.

When we were done Ar made Amish bread (I "helped") and our littles ate the Danari kitchen out of snacks. They know where to find good snacks. That house is never lacking good food. I hope the bread turned out. We had to sub junkit vanilla ice cream mix for vanilla pudding. It smelled great so it should have tasted good as well.

That is enough of me rambling about nothing you want to hear. I need to go get ready for Heath b/c she is coming to play with me today. We are going to do something special for lunch but don't know what at of yet. She is bringing us a move called Lorna Doone. I read the youth version of the book. I liked it ok. She says it is a good movie so we'll see.

I would like to leave you with a Bible verse but I don't have one jumping out at me right now but I will leave you with this admonition. Stay in the word. Study it day and night ask God to write it on you heart. Ask Him to cause it to increase you faith b/c "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."

Love and please continue to keep me in your prayers.


p.s. Please pray for the Danari family. Their roof is leaking after being newly put on (by new I mean the left overs are still in their yard) among other things.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thursday June 5th 2008

The Bible Prohibited in Colorado

Senate Bill 200After 400 years of religious freedom for those who wanted to own anddistribute Bibles on their own property in America, the Governor ofColorado has put an end to it. SB08-200, signed into law last weekwill prohibit the issuing, circulating, and distributing of Leviticus20:13. While churches are exempted for now, Christian schools,Christian book stores, private business, etc. are not.

I kiped this from TruthMatters.

p.s. Please pray for me as I walk through the valley.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The twisted marathon

Time for a new post. There is so very much to say and so very little time and space to do it!

Today was my first day back after being gone for two weeks with the exception of about half a day and a night in between my two trips. It all started with Branch people camp. I had an absolutely lovely time. I hope and pray that what went on was God moving in hearts not just emotional hype. The music was wondermous. It had good theology! That made me VERY excited. Our music leader even said that it was important to have sound doctrine in our music! Yeah ~ha!

The camp speaker, Keahbone, was pretty good. Monday night he challenged first all the counselors and other leader to get right with God. After them he challenged all believers to make sure that they were in fellowship with the Father. He gave a short sinner invatation that evening but he honed in on us Christians. I thougth that was pretty cool.

I love Branch people! Everyone was so sweet and kind. I had a blast getting to meet new people and getting to know better those that I was already aquainted with. Thank you Branch!

Choir tour. Well ummm..... there were some good times. I was introduce to some of the realities of the world. Just so you know, some people are just unkind and if you are a girl, homesick, and clueless you might cry alot when thoes people behave unkindly. No really there were some highlights such as working with a small church in the city passing out tracts and talking to people, and singing at the ball game was muy bueno/bien. Truth be told, I have some friends who really do care if you are hurting and are watching out for me. It was a learning experience and I survived.

I must be done as I have to try to catch up on some sleep by going to bed early. Love ya'll and am so very glad I have you for friends.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pray for me. Pray that I would learn discernment in my speech.