Monday, August 18, 2008

What used to be quite fun is becoming rather tedious

I got a new calulator today. My TI-84 scares me. I can't get it to do what it should do. The tan function isn't anything all that spectacular. My dinky pinkish one can do it correctly! I gues I will learn. The manuel for the thing is viii + 216 pages long.

I have done some algebra today. Yipee. Joy and ecstasy. Tomorrow I am off to Spanish by Lana and the rest of this week I am goin to be diligently studyin' my ACT test prep book. I've got to find it first. That'll be what I do after this.

Children's church went well again Sunday. The number of kids we have is up and we have new first graders. The did a pretty good job of participating and behaved pretty good. I was proud of them. I think I am going to have to get a fill in the blank slide made so that they will really learn Ps. 1. We, I, forgot to put up the slide so they had a quick review of it at the end of CC. Next time we are going to learn verse 3. I hope that the kids will get this ingrained into their brain.

Mom is making leftover soup for dinner. I think it is going to be really yummy.

Well I best be off. Talk to me peoples. What is up with ya'll?

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