Thursday, July 10, 2008

Turquoise duct tape wraps arms beautifully

Did you know that little boys, when they are angry and unregenerate, sometimes behave like dogs and pee on whatever they wish.

Yesterday evening Nicole went to do her usual house sitting chores at the Danari's and was slit by glass in her calve. I bled profusely, so I understand, and was stapled shut by the doctor at the walk in clinic. She called my house b/c her mom was not yet back to the house when this tragic event took place thus she called my house and my parents went to her rescue.

I have come to think that eskimo kisses should be shared by husbands and wives (this of course I am guessing b/c I have been neigther) and by a child under the age of 4 and someone old. Mom eskimo kissed me last night and I found it almost disturbing. But if the way mentioned is the way my mom does so choose to display her afection towards me then I shall take them with out any complaints. I love my mommy. Just so ya know, if you are ever depressed moms are great at helping you out of it.

This evening I am expecting to enjoy some of the pleasures known to be enjoyed by people who play the wii. I have rarely used this form of timewaster but I intend to do so tonight with my newly lame friend (lol). We are gonna house sit. ;D

I hope you have enjoyed my somewhat unstimulating post. Thank you and good day.


Unknown said...

Hello, haven't been commenting much b/c for awhile I didn't even know you were back online regularly, and then you had so many newish posts that I didn't know what to say, and still don't have anything brilliant or wonderful to say, except that eskimo kisses are very wonderful,
I never was in to eskimo kisses before I got married :P

I wonder how old kids can be before they are too old for them.

But, I was never (and it looks like I never will be) too old for a kiss on my forehead from my parents, or on the cheek from my brothers.

poor coley, will she be healed before she must vacate the country?!

Anonymous said...

Do I want to know what an Eskimo kiss is???

I thought that was a most interesting post.

Luvya Lady. :*

Anonymous said...

Oh, silly girly, it's just nose-to-nose rubbing!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Okay. lol How was I to know? What a strange name, though...