I have decided to kill two birds with one stone. Not only shall I provide you with some "inspirational reading" as you call it but I shall also make my mother happy by doing my homework assignment.
Foundational to Christian thinking is the belief that the Genesis account of Creation is, in fact, literal. To try to marry the ideas of evolution and Creation is ludicrous for the two ideas are at odds with one another.
According to "Cardinal" of evolution Carl Sagan " The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be". We get this idea from the whole concept of evolutions that "nobody times nothing = everything". Of course if nothing was before and we are all there is then, nothing could be more important. That reasoning puts it into conflict with Christianity for we know that God was and is and will be and all are accountable to Him.
Many who call themselves Christians know that God must of had some hand in Creation. Remember this is the God that heals men of their all their ailments and grants on their every wish. ( I am being facetious) Such a god must of course be involved in the creation of the universe. But alas they must also not appear intellectually ignorant thus they decide to marry God and evolution.
The product of this marriage has brought about many ideas such as the " Old earth" concept where the days of the first chapters of Genesis are not literal days but rather long ages. Others have gone to say that the account is nothing more than allegorical and that it shouldn't be taken literally. Some try to rearrange the day order. Yet others still have decided to throw out the chapters all together! All of the ideas are ridiculous and what is worse, undermine the authority of Scripture.
If Scripture is fallible in Creation then we have no reason to believe any other portion of it. Without a creator we have no one but ourselves to whom we are accountable thus throwing morality out the window. Without the fall we have no need of Christ; Christ is He who delivers us from the sinful state we are in.
Some of the effects of Evolution
It is degrading to humanity. We see a moral drift in society (try to tell me that sexuality and crime have not run rampant) that stems from the belief that man is all there is and man himself is nothing more than an animal that is just more evolved then the family dog. As crazy as it sound People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have gone so far as to say that the Holocaust was less of an atrocity than our killing of broiler chickens for food! The Church of Euthanasia desire to see the human race become extinct (not sure how anyone would know if they were dead). The so called Church has only one rule "Thou shalt not procrastinate" and boast of thousands of people who have paid the $10 fee to become a member just to commit suicide.
Evolution is hostile to reason. The 'holy trinity' of evolution are matter, time, and chance; from these somehow the earth was formed. Jacques Monod said "[Man] alone is alone the universe's unfeeling immensity, out of which he emerged by chance...... Chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind,[is] at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution." The truth is that "chance" can do nothing. It is a mathematical term used to suggest probability. To say that it is a force such as "the force" of star wars is insulting to reason.
Important things to remember from this chapter:
- according to evolution man created God instead of God creating man
- Herbert Spencer's "ultimate scientific ideas": time, force, action, space, matter.
- The biblical response to the above: Genesis 1:1 " In the beginning - time God- force created-action the heavens- space and the earth-matter.
This post doesn't flow beautifully but hopefully it answers a question or two that might be dancing in your head. If you didn't have any questions I hope you enjoyed the reading!
1 comment:
Very well said!
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