Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life in general

I need to update.......

Lets see what is going on? I am sick. I have been naseaus for the past 3 days.

I can fit into an xs pair of pants as of today when I tried a pair on. That amazes me b/c I shouldn't be able to do so.

I did horribly on my Spanish homework. But I got to eat an empanadilla. But b/c I was sick I could only stomach one. I wanted to eat more but I thought I was gonna hurl so I decided slow and steady and I might be able to eat the whole thing.

I need to practice the piano.

Heath is sick.

I am learning to trust God with the outcome of circumstances that I can't control. (you see I can't see how it is gonna be) And btw it is hard and I am not doin so great thus far but I'm working on it.

Now I am gonna go do some chores. Comment me!

p.s. My brother won his bb game on Friday. I so excited about going to the next set of Patriot games!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

shoot, I been sick too. No fun.

I can't wait until we get to go to some patriot basketball games!

Hope you're feeling better now :)