Monday, January 14, 2008

It's a hybrid.

In Chemistry today I found out that I am a chapter behind. Apparently I didn't' get the memo that we were to be going into chapter 9 this week and were to have done chapter8 last. Good thing is Mr. H lectured us basically all of chapter 8 in class and it wasn't difficult. Phew! I started the chapter this afternoon and skipped the first section and did the problems with ease.

Today I asked Mr. H about our projects and he said that we could do them with our table! Yeah-ha a group project. It means less work per individual. My arms flung up in a cheerleader V and my voice rang out " I love you!" when he told us. We also have a paper on water to start next week. He isn't regulating when we start that but I intend (intend being the key word) to start that early and get it done in a timely manner.

Yesterday at church I heard a fact that I think is quite comical. Our youth pastor's itty bitty that is about J. Alan's age calls me his mommy. Her mom has tried to explain it but the dear child doesn't get it. She thinks that I am his mommy.

Hybrid- the offspring of two animals or plants of different species or varieties.

When you see the word hybrid, if you are a guy, your mind jumps first to cars and as a girl I think of plants but did you know that word can also be used in reference to animals? It is one of my spelling words this week and when I read the definition it sorta weirded me out. "What kind of dog do you have?" 'It's a hybrid.' How weird of an answer would that be?

I am off to Meaggy's blog to let Beans watch a video.

~J. Alan's Mommy ;D


Anonymous said...

excuse me, but i am the one who labored for J. Alan and you may not call yourself his mommy no matter how confused some small one is. I earned that name!

J. Alan's REAL mommy!

Anonymous said...

I suppose J. Alan's mommy did!:D That Enchanted vid?
Sorry I thought of a car there...

Brandon's Girl said...

Actually, I thought of the animal reference, lol. Wow, I must be weird! So, what's all this talk about the guy? Confusion, you need to explain better. I'm waiting for 12:00 to roll around so I can open the package my darlin' gave me. He didn't specify a time, lol. I'll be sure to let you know what I get! Well, love you leche drinker! lol....random much...

Brandon's Girl said...

which dream you talkin bout?