Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chem and GS and ACC

Question. Which blog does one choose to post on when they were last updated on the same day?

Answer. The one that should generate more traffic.

I have a lab report to write. Calorimetry is great cause it is just math which means that if you do the measuring correctly you will come out with the correct answer. How awesome is a definite answer! The down side to that is... How in the world do you write a good conclusion for a lab report with it?!

Last night began with girl scouts and ended with play practice. How funny did I feel when I walked through the doors and was asked "Are you Bell?" . At that point in time I didn't want to own up to being her. One should not be called upon to display their performance abilities upon arriving at practice! It kind of wracks your nerves. You see we were late, in a way. We left GS early to make it to ACC about an hour late. I keep saying we but one knows who "we" is . Lou~La~Belle and her mom are "we" along with myself. Anywho play practice. Um can you sign awkward. Lets just say that we will have to work on not being afraid of each other, rather him being afraid of me. Ya so moving on. Joel and Hannah sound wonderful when they sing together. Last night they were working on the song for graduation this year. Good Night it is beautimous! He Knows My Name by the McRaes. Tis pretty stinkin' awesome. Joel is gonna have to learn to sing the melody by himself but he'll learn. That is why I say sound good instead of sing well.

Does anyone know of any good ways to earn money? We are talking fundraisers here not pocket cash; that I have.


p.s. Sorry Meag I had to change the color. It hurted my eyes.


Anonymous said...

hey girl...
thanks for helping me with my knitting last night... but, ummm.... okay, I had it down at practice. And in the car I pulled it out again and I still knew how to do it. Then I get home and rip it out to start over and see if I can do it myself and... it didn't work!! So I'm thinking maybe I cast on wrong?? Who knows... if I don't figure it out I'll bring it next Monday. :P
~Bitty aka Emy

Anonymous said...

I'm visiting! :)
Thank you again, you truly have been an encouragement. ;)
I'll be visiting your blog now that I know where it is!

Anonymous said...

Nevamind... I think I may have gotten it figured out. I may bring it anyway to make sure I'm doing it right. ;D
anyway thanks again for your help!

Anonymous said...

So you want to git rid of the whole signing theme? Maybe you could do... um...praps... I'll think. hard!