Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Has anyone ever had a bitty come up to you with an upturned head, sweet laughing eyes, and a toothy grin just to say "eeeww"? Beanie did that to me this morning it means "change my britches". She is so snap dragons cute!

I found a new way to warm myself up in the winter time. I do believe it is the best plan that I have come with yet. Dudududuh! Stick your head in the dryer! Ok before you freak out let me explain. You see upon emptying the dryer hug the clothes while they are yet in the dryer and just lay there for a minute then remove the clothes and ideally proceed to fold them. Mom said I was weird when I told her. I should have returned the comment with "weird but warm!" But of course I don't every think of witty (please be generous and allow me the use of the word) remarks when I could use them.

Play practice yesterday went well I supposed. We are up to two nights a week for practice now. When all of our line are learned, coujgh ceolough, then it might go more smoothly. We sat and watched the movie of last year while scenes of people were having one-on-one time with Joanna and during the middle of the movie I noticed that I had knit five rows with out realizing that I had lost some stitches. I was interesting to look at. I then proceeded to take it all out and do it again. Yucky!

I have laundry that needs to be folded.


p.s. What should I write my CtB article on? Lana after you read my writing you may say thank youbutdon'tsubmittanythingtouseveragain, so don't expect greatness or anything close to it.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Puple people eater

The song was written and recorded by Sheb Wooley in 1958. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9H_cI_WCnE That's the song on! Ya'll need to teach us computer illiterate people how to do the link like Lana did. Tis cool the way you did it.

Last night we went to the two dollar theatre and watched Ratatouille! It was fun. I liked it but it stressed me out. I know, I know how can a movie about a little furry creature that talks and cooks stress you out? Well he kept doing stupid things, he paid for it but, he kept on doing it and I new that disaster was gonna strike and the consequences must be reaped. So it stressed me out. Some "I love Lucy" episodes do it to me too. Over all the movie was cute. By the end I and I think the rest of my family was ready to have the plot resolved. It seemed a little too drawn out. Maybe I was just tired. The was quite a bit of wine drinking in the movie and the main human character does get drunk. He claims he doesn't drink much but the boss makes him drunk to try to find out about Remi (the rat). It is Paris and Paris is a city of love so quite a few cartoon kisses are seen. Only one of those kisses is drawn out. There is also an illegitimate child in the movie but most kids don't understand it. They never say it in so many words. The man says he didn't know about the boy and we all asked "how didn't you?". As I said there is trouble. A lot of lying that goes on but in the end the consequences are paid. Linguine lies and his restaurant get closed and Remi's lie causes a friendship to be breached. But as always everything turns out in the end. Over all I would see it again. I should have taken a note pad to write things down but I didn't think of it. Jelly fell asleep in my arms and so one of my arms went to sleep with her. The pins and needles didn't poke too hard when it woke up. Josiah loved it and I think Jelly did as well. She kept saying " teute mouse" & "awww".

Mom and dad are at various places this morning. Each one has a child with them ; that leaves Jelly and I at home by ourselves. We have been reading books.

I'll see about posting some pics that I took of Jelly and Siah yesterday. I have some very cute ones.

Love and keep close to Jesus,

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fits and Birthdays

Have you ever watched a 2 year old pitch a fit cause it didn't want to got to bed? It starts with their belly goes out and it snakes up their body till their head pops like a doggie on a dashboard. It is almost as if they are belly dancing, their little feet start moving; tis quite a dance they get going on. Soon it seems that if the child's head bobbles anymore it they'll get whiplash or something. On top of the dance, they are making beautiful music by hollering. They're faces are all red and tears are screamin' down the face. Do you know how hard it is not to laugh at that?

*The day that I got a wild hair and thought Man's back would be a great blank canvas.*

Today Siah came and asked me if he could watch "Ben - Hurb". I told him to ask mom and of course we did watch "Ben- Hurb". "I lovbe 'Ben- Hurb' ish my fabrit!" he told me. He is gonna be 3 on Sunday! No way one of my bitties is gonna be three. :( Tis sad. He is getting so big and verbal. The little talker come up with some of the cutest sentences not that I can remember a good on at the moment. I my Siah that Jesus gave me. I hope that he grows to love Jesus and learns to be a Daniel*.

My grandpa named his lappy "Baby Brute". His desktop is fittingly, Big Brute.

I think I am going to make some sort of cookie for my Chemistry class? Does any one have any favorites? Dislikes? Or.... should I make some sort of bar?

Love muches ya'll

* Daniel in the Bible. As in Daniel in the Lion's den (chapter 6) . Daniel would not bow to the authority of anyone but the Lord God.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Weekend

Duke and the Great Pie war was the entertainment choice of the day. Can you tell we have children? That and Daniel Boone. "The extras" came today. "The Extras" are two children , very good ones I might add, that we keep on Tuesday while their mom's are in Bible study. As we did last week, we beaded. All the kids seem to love that.

Today has been a cookingest day. For luch I concocted (this blog post has been interrupted by a family walk) a potato and mixed vegetable dish with cheese sauce and cheese on top. Twas wonderful. The 12x9 Pyrex was empty after lunch and my mid afternoon snack. It never made it into the freightor. Thank you mommy for finishing my sauce! She made it deliciouso. Then after some math I made a upside down apple ginger bread/cake. Tis yummy as well.

How glad am I that when I needed to go this thing save, without posting, my post as a draft. "I'm lovin' it" to quote McDonald's.

Play practice was last night. Twas fun but nothing to write home about. Ummm.... My table didn't get to do our experiment at Chemistry. What is up with that? Really I don't care. I am much more of a lecture girl than actually performing experiments.

Friday! I had a blast with Britter Bear and Lou~La~Belle at BB's house. The guys were kicked out so that the girls could hang. We took pictures and play the piano a bunch and to wind down we watched "Ever After". BB fell asleep after 5 minutes lying on the pallet. LLB and I stayed up through the whole thing. I think it was around 2ish when we fell asleep. Truth be told, I don't think I would have remembered the movie had it not been one that I had seen many times.
So after waking at 8:45 the next morning and having wonderful sausage gravy on real bread toast, we all got dolled up with the intention of going to the park for more photo ops, then left the house around 12(?). As it turns out we nixed the picture and just shopped. Goodwill, Jill's, My best friend's closet, NBC, and Payless all were the benefactors of at least a smile and some noise. I found some jeans and a blue dress while we were out. Cool beans.

I must mention the food of our girls night/day. Friday night I made this Asian style cabbage dish that was spicy. I, quite frankly, like to feel my mouth after three bites of my food but others I know, don't seem to mind being numb. BB and LLB set their mouths aflame with rooster sauce. BB's stove heats things very quickly. I found out the hard way when I sent many, many little mustard seeds flying through the air like popcorn. Thankfully they are easily clean up. Ms. Mary bought us cappuccino chunky chocolate ice cream and then as soon as we got in the house proceeded to eat it. It is LLB's favorite kind of ice cream. BB made homemade banana ice cream with honey twas wonderful.

I think the most fun part of the entire girls weekend was the teasing of Lou~La~Bell and her guy. Yes, I am a mean sister but they just smile at me when I say things to them. BB and I would "mock" them as we followed here and there. "I'll hold your hand!" said BB, and proceeded to hang on her brother..... while we were in Braum's. Ya'll please know that if they truly cared we wouldn't do it. But what else are little sisters for?

Have you noticed that I rarely compose short posts? I think I am done for tonight. Does all this bore you? What would you have me post about?

Love in Jesus

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My Heart Cries Out to You

I just finished watching a show called "Travel the Road". http://www.traveltheroad.com/ These two young men are missionaries traveling to 25 different countries to tell people of Christ. They have a video camera and they document their travels. The men give the history of the country that they are in. If it's Germany then they speak of the holocaust tonight it was China and Beijing, Tianamen Square. Video documentaries can sometimes speak louder than words on a page.

I have heard of the horrors of communism but never before have I see such lifelessness. There is a river that separates China from North Korea. These men were at a city in China and were able to look over the river at NK. While China's streets were lit with neon, only one light shone on the banks of North Korea at night. The next day they went out on to the water and what they saw was heart wrenching. China's side of the river was bustling but, in North Korea if you weren't military, you weren't out. One thing that was pointed out was a Ferris wheel on the NK side of the river. B/c of the great oppression there it is interesting that one should even exist.

To what end is all this jabber of foreign countries? As I watched the show my heart ached. I am reminded of the song "My heart cries out to you". It is hard for me to understand a nation so cold as North Korea till I see it with my eyes. I have seen it, though only on a tv screen, and I am again reminded of how blessed I am and how much I should be proclaiming Christ to the world. I have been placed by God in America where I have the ability to speak freely why don't I do so? Why don't I shout it from the street corners? Is it that I am ashamed of Christ? No. I just must remember to shout when I am awed by my Creator that people my know Him. No more keeping it in. We should proclaim in the everyday with our hellos and goodbyes not just at church organized events.

"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." and so Jesus preached.

I know my Redeemer lives and I will praise Him!

p.s. Sorry about the randomness of my sentences.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's not real

Why is it that when you miss in basketball it is called "shooting bricks"? Why in the world? Good night even if I had a gun I wouldn't shoot "bricks"! Today we were in the car (mom,I, and the bitty three) and we were talking about the school bus being yellow. In connection with the yellow thought I made this confuzling statement " The golden arches are yellow". Now for those of you who are having trouble with seeing the contradiction; how are golden arches yellow.
Most of us understand what I meant for you see that the term "golden arches" is just that, a term. But was not the term coined in connection to their color?

I get to go party all night at a friend's house with a bunch of girls. How fun is that? If you are a guy well sorry. Anyway I will be tiirrred when I get there so if will be all the more fun. Bring on he loupyness! If you were to peek in a window, say like an angel and Scrooge, you might see a gaggle of girls behaving like they were six. I can't wait!

We watched some hobbbottom filmage. At the end of "Woe-be-gone" Nopee asked " How can you get it if you don't know what the phone number?". I had been telling her as she asked such questions "Its not real" but apparently she doesn't get it, or didn't. Ya know I wonder what would happen if you called the number on the screen. I told if she wanted I could introduce her and get an autograph from one of the stars in the silent one. I think she thought that was cool!
Am I being too mean? What do you say after you have tried to explain "it's not real" a couple of times?
http://www.youtube.com/hobbbottomfilms Check 'em out!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chem and GS and ACC

Question. Which blog does one choose to post on when they were last updated on the same day?

Answer. The one that should generate more traffic.

I have a lab report to write. Calorimetry is great cause it is just math which means that if you do the measuring correctly you will come out with the correct answer. How awesome is a definite answer! The down side to that is... How in the world do you write a good conclusion for a lab report with it?!

Last night began with girl scouts and ended with play practice. How funny did I feel when I walked through the doors and was asked "Are you Bell?" . At that point in time I didn't want to own up to being her. One should not be called upon to display their performance abilities upon arriving at practice! It kind of wracks your nerves. You see we were late, in a way. We left GS early to make it to ACC about an hour late. I keep saying we but one knows who "we" is . Lou~La~Belle and her mom are "we" along with myself. Anywho play practice. Um can you sign awkward. Lets just say that we will have to work on not being afraid of each other, rather him being afraid of me. Ya so moving on. Joel and Hannah sound wonderful when they sing together. Last night they were working on the song for graduation this year. Good Night it is beautimous! He Knows My Name by the McRaes. Tis pretty stinkin' awesome. Joel is gonna have to learn to sing the melody by himself but he'll learn. That is why I say sound good instead of sing well.

Does anyone know of any good ways to earn money? We are talking fundraisers here not pocket cash; that I have.


p.s. Sorry Meag I had to change the color. It hurted my eyes.

Sunday, October 7, 2007



Mom made us this kind of Skirt yesterday. All four of us girls wore them this morning.

This is the first one that was made for me. Front and back.
I posted on my xanga.

Chemistry it tomorrow. Fun! For real. No joke. I like it tis fun.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Dollar City 'venture

Hola peoples! I am again able to enter this blog site. We shall see how long it takes before this one goes berserk again.

Yesterday I had an adventure. Yes I did. I and Leinad and Pi wend to Dollar City with our "Greatest in the Universe Grandparents"! And guess what!?! Lou~La~Belle was there with her "Greatest in the World Grandparents" too as well as her sibs. Do you know what that means????? Rides. I actually rode rides. You see my dear friends, I do not generally like rides. They make me feel funny. I see that I need to clarify "rides". By rides I am implying big ones. Roller coasters and such. Yes well I don't like them, usually. But... I decided to be brave and I put on my cowgirl boots and was. Anxious was I before we boarded Wildfire. Anxious was I on it and strapped in. Praying was I as we clicked to the top before the plunge. After the first loop I was in fair shape (don't ask LLB anything, she lies). I kinda liked it, kinda sorta in an afeared sorta way. No really I did. I only rode it once. Whereas LLB and Beff rode it over 5, maybe even twice that. I don't remember it was allot. Um after that we, rather they, rode the giant swing. Yes I am a chicken and I am not ashamed. The number of relaxing passings through the air was however many a turn times 4. Whippee fur me! I got wet. After passing through man made water rapids I came to the conclusion that I should do it again for I could not be anymore saturated than I was at that point. I was proved wrong. Happens that I had one shoulder dry. Well by the time we ate dinner on the road my shirt was dry. Then we watched a show, which, to some people's dismay, was my favorite part of the day. They took songs from movies that I have seen, had a cutesy storyline, I was able to sit the whole time, really what could be better?
I just kept thinking. I get to do that. (read that last sentence in a singsongy manner) I get to do that. ( that one too) I am going to like "A Christmas Carol" so long as I don't get skeered.

I need sleep. Tis late for me. Comment me por-favor. Bye ya'll

Lady ;D

p.s. This thing doesn't have good fonts. :(