I need to post I have little to say at this moment which is quite strange. I hardly ever run out of words which "need" saying. Friday was presentation night. It went fine. I won't say well but fine. No one threw up so we are good. The class along with their teachers felt like idiots on stage. The teachers felt weird b/c they were so young and the class b/c they were so much older than all the others who "present" things on presentation night.
I finished some Chemistry today. There was a problem that just didn't want to come out. As has become usual, I set up the problem correctly but, didn't have the correct significant figures. Truth be told I am pretty happy cause the hard part is knowing how the problem is to even be done. Tomorrow we shall see how well I know my Chemistry. And that is probably very ill.
Last night we were out at Youth night till 10:30ish. The night had dwindled down and things were going kinda slow in the teen section of the house but I thoroughly enjoyed it. We played this game called "four on a couch". I liked it. I think that next time we should play it agian.
One of my brothers doesn't feel good. Tis no fun to see him that way. Hopefully he is his usually self tomorrow.
Lou~La~Belle is home or should be soon. She went to a GS thing Saturday as her final test to decide whether she get to go to England or not. She would have a great time if she went. For her sake I hope she can.
I have thirty minute left till I go back up to church. Looking over this makes me think that maybe I should post something worth reading sometime. I'll have to try that.
Sunday school was on Job and enduring the trials that come our way. The one thing that was really stressed this week was that Job, no matter the circumstance, worshiped the Lord. He worshiped the Lord and shunned evil. How many of us can say in a real tride and true testing or just something that seems trivial later that we worship the Lord and flee from do what is wrong whether that be accusing Him of wrong or turning to worthless things to make us "feel better"? Is it not difficult to not fall into a trap of running to things (anything besides our Provider) for comfort when we are down? It is hard to "consider it all joy" in the midst of the trial but that we must do. In our McDonalds society we have tried to do away with any inconveniece and feeling hurt is an inconveniece. With that mentality, atop our sin nature, we automaticaly turn to food, or a person, a movie, or events and become gluttons by those things. When we are tempted to find comfort in our own pitty party or vacuumy attitude, we must remeber that we were created by God to glorify Him and we cannot do that when our eyes are on ourselves. Remeber Job turned to his creator, though he was in sackcloth and ashes, to worshiped Him. Do we even stop to think that what we may be going through God is using to draw us, or maybe some one else to Him?
I have to stop and get ready for church. I'll try to come back to it later cause that "sermon" isn't finish. It needs some Bible verses. Hmm.
She who is off to teach bell choir departs.
Hey Bekah,
I think your class did great Friday.
Anyway thanks for posting this... that's really good. Though we can't understand, we just have to KNOW that God has a plan and will bring something out of what we are going through.
I hate blogger. It says my e-mail isn't valid! I can't get in!!!!! No good!.
Thanks Bitty
get homeschool blogger.. me likey it and everyone that I've converted to it likes it... :P
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